Super zooming around downtown San Diego from Bayview Park with the Nikon COOLPIX P1000 camera.

Zooming Downtown San Diego, CA

My trip report and super zooming in to buildings, planes and boats around downtown San Diego from across the bay at Bayview Park in Coronado, CA. My experience at the park and what lens should you bring when you visit?
Review of the IMAK RSI computer gloves

IMAK RSI Computer Glove Review

If you have pain in your wrist while working on a computer or a laptop then you might want to check out the IMAK RSI Computer Gloves. Here's my review of the gloves that allow me to edit photographs, create videos and write articles for hours without the pain that I experienced in the past.
Super Zoom Variety Series Episode 4

Super Zoom Variety Episode 4

This episode includes TEN new super zooms from the Nikon COOLPIX P1000 camera! Subjects range from a blooming catus to the Moon in space. Read about some of the super zooms in the San Diego and Phoenix areas and view full size pictures straight out of the camera.
First Time Birding with Nikon P1000

First Time Birding with Nikon P1000

Check out my first time ever full-on birding zooms with the Nikon COOLPIX P1000 super zoom camera! Can a newbie birder get some good shots? You be the judge! See some of the interesting birds you can find at man-made lakes in the desert.
Where to buy a Nikon COOLPIX P1000 Topic

So, You Want to Buy a P1000?

Out of Stock... Sold Out... Unavailable... New Nikon COOLPIX P1000 super zoom cameras are hard to find these days. The rumor is that they are discontinued. But are there any P1000s out there if you know where to look? I tried to buy one. Here's what I learned.
Super Zoom Variety Episode 3

Super Zoom Variety Episode 3

Episode 3 of the Super Zoom Variety video series is now available! This episode includes a plethora of super zoom video tests showing close-up views in the greater Phoenix, AZ area. Think it's impossible to get a really sharp picture with the Nikon P1000 at a focal length of 3000mm?
An article about super zooming a partial solar eclipse.

Super Zooming a Partial Solar Eclipse

Do you want to get great close-up photographs and videos of a partial solar eclipse? This article will cover the basics including lens focal lengths, filters and settings along with some sample pictures from the October 14, 2023 eclipse.
Super Zoom Variety Episode 2

Super Zoom Variety Episode 2

What's better than watching a video of a super zoom? Watching a video with a whole bunch of super zooms! Episode 2 of the Super Zoom Variety video series include 10 new super zooms shot with the Nikon COOLPIX P1000 camera. And this time we zoom up to 12000mm (digital)!
Superzooming in on skydivers

Super Zooming in on Skydivers

Skydivers jumping out of airplanes 3 miles in the sky are almost impossible to see. Heck the plane is hard to see! But with the Nikon COOLPIX P1000 super zoom camera, we can see all the action up there while we're standing safely on the ground.