Revere Model 85 Projector Operating Manual
The Revere Model 85 film projector is a popular choice for viewing vintage 8MM home movies and films. It's one of the projectors that IAAPHX uses. The owner's manual obtained by IAAPHX was damaged, but a few pages are readable, including the parts identification diagram and the condensed operating instructions. Twelve of the operation manual's nineteen pages are presented here to help vintage film enthusiasts operate and repair their projectors.

- Cover Page
- Registration Card
- Your Model 85 Projector
- Parts Identification
- Operating Instructions
- Revere Cameras and Accessories
- Operating Manual Index
Click on the manual pages below to see a larger view of the page.
Cover Page
Registration Card
This page provides instructions for registering a newly purchased projector. The interesting thing about this page is that it provides the address of the Revere Camera Company in Chicago, IL. This is likely the address where your Model 85 projector was manufactured a very, very long time ago. Click on the small picture of the building to the left if you'd like to see a 360-degree street level view of the Revere Camera company building as it looks today.
Click on the small map to the left if you'd like to see a map of current day Chicago showing where the building is located. Both of the views are provided by Google Maps. Was this the actual location where Revere made the Model 85 Projector? I don't know, but the building sure looks like it was a manufacturing building in the mid-1900's.
Your Model 85 Projector

The Revere manufacturing operations were considered high tech for the times. Mass production assembly lines and the latest scientific instruments for testing produced "theater quality projection
to an unexcelled degree". Considering that it's not hard to find a fully functioning Model 85 projector over a half century later, they must have been doing something right. How long do you
expect the home electronics that you use today to last?
Parts Identification
Click on the page below to see a larger version of the Model 85's parts list and where each part is located on the projector. Soon you'll be talking about levers, sprockets and knobs rather than thingamajigs, whatchamacallits and thingies.
Operating Instructions
These are the condensed operating instructions for the Revere Model 85 projector. As noted in the article's introduction, a number of the manual's pages were damaged and the full set of operating instructions were printed on some of those damaged pages. Hopefully, the condensed instructions and the additional instructions on the next page are helpful.
The Owner's Operating Manual also provided instructions for other aspects of working with film. This page provides instructions and helpful information about maintaining the reflector and condenser, splicing films, inspecting and caring for film, storing film, and selecting a screen for viewing film.
Revere Cameras and Accessories
The marketing department at the Revere Camera company made sure that there were a few pages in the back of the Operating Manual to showcase Revere's lineup of 8MM film cameras. Surely one of these cameras would be the perfect companion to the Model 85 projector!
This page provides a brief listing of the features of the following Revere 8MM cameras: the Revere "Ranger", the Revere "84", the Revere "99", the Revere "77", the Revere "67", the Revere "70" and the Revere "60".
A second page highlights the company's newest camera at the time, the Revere "55" (a Cine Camera). Revere's magnetic tape sound recorders are shown at the bottom of the page. Models include the Model TR-200 Recorder-Radio Combination and the Model T-100 Recorder.
The Revere 8MM accessories page includes the Revere Curvamatic Splicer, lenses for 8MM cameras, camera carrying cases, the Revere Model 20 Booster Motor for cameras, 300 foot reels and metal reel containers.
Last, but certainly not least - because it was a "new sensational Revere development" - is the Revere Cine Graphic Enlarger - Viewer that allowed movie camera owners to make prints from individual frames of 8MM or 16MM film.
Operating Manual Index
The manual's index page is provided to list the pages that were damaged and unable to be included in this article.

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